Market Update - Late September 2022

Well its been an exhausting week or so with what feels like a barrage of announcements from the government, the Bank of England and the major lenders. Matthew Miller, Miller Town & Country's Business Development Lead digs into...

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Jargon Buster: "Searches"

'Searches' or 'Property Searches' are something you have to pay for early on in the process of buying a property and which are sometimes the reason for a property sale process slowing down or temporarily (and frustratingly!)

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Jargon Buster: "Buying Position"

'What's your buying position?' or just simply 'what’s your position?' - a routine estate agent question that can flummox both first time and seasoned buyers as well as potentially make people feel uncomfortable. But what is

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Jargon Buster: Best & Final Offers

'Best & Final Offers', also known as 'Best & Finals' - a phrase that can unnerve even the seasoned buyer and up the stress factor for first-time buyers to a whole new level. But what does it actually mean, and is it really that

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